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Every life-giving relationship is built on trust - including our relationship with God. But, let's be real: it can be difficult to trust God when times are hard and God seems distant.  These are the times when we wish we had bigger faith.


Join us each Sunday in Lent as we look at several catalysts that God uses to help us grow into becoming people of strong faith and trust.

Current Series: Grow
Current Series: New Year, Same Promises

Join us each Sunday of Epiphany

as we take a look in the book of Matthew

for God's promises of:


New Life • Faithfulness • Ministry • Blessing

Restored Identity • Guidance • Freedom

Looking for the "Time Talent Treasure" Worksheet?  Click to download. 

Time Talent and Treasure Worksheet
Current Series: My One Word

     If you’re like most people, each January goes something like this: You choose a problematic behavior that has plagued you for years and vow to reverse it. In fact, you can probably think of two or three undesirable habits—make that four or five.

     Thus begins the litany of imperfections to be perfected commonly known as “New Year’s Resolutions.” All of which are typically off your radar by February.

     “My One Word” is an experiment designed to move you beyond this cycle. The challenge is simple: lose the long list of changes you want to make this year and instead pick ONE WORD.

     This process provides clarity by taking all your big plans for life change and narrowing them down into a single focus. Just one word that centers on your character and creates a vision for your future. So, we invite you to join us and pick one word for the next twelve months.

Pick Your Word

Click below to download the worksheet.

Current Series: The Journey - Walking the Road to Bethlehem

Advent & Christmas 2019


If you enjoyed our advent series, check out Adam Hamilton's book "The Journey:  Walking the Road to Bethlehem."  Our series was based on his book.  Click on image for ordering information.



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christian church



1688 Fulton Road

Cleveland, OH 44113


Ohio City

at the corner of Franklin Blvd & Fulton Rd

Chalice - Disciples of Christ

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Franklin Circle Christian Church is in proud covenant and participation with the

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

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